Search by the «aston martin db6 4.0» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Jaguar E-type → 1966 Aston Martin DB6 4.0 vs. 1965 Jaguar E-type 4.2 FHC Series 1 Which do we think is the best Sixties coupe out of an iconic E-type 4.2 and an equally famous Aston Martin DB6 4.0? There's only one way to find out and that's to drive these two beautiful British sports cars side-by-side. 1966 aston martin db6 4.01965 jaguar e-type 4.2 fhc series 11966aston martin db6 4.01965jaguar e-type 4.2 fhc series 1jaguaraston martinjaguar e-typeaston martin db6 — 21.03.2022 2190 Paul Walton 2