When it comes to forging your own path you can never go wrong with a supercharger, especially a huge air-stuffing monster that sticks right out the bonnet of your Mk2 Cortina...
Alan Mann Racing was responsible for some of the most successful racing Lotus-Cortinas. Richard Meaden reunites this winning pair for the first time since 1966.
The late racing maestro Jim Clark is still revered and adored by many – not least IndyCar legend Dario Franchitti. Here are his experiences of two very special ex-Clark Lotuses.
No sports saloon selection would be complete without a Ford – and jumping forward a decade from the MG into the Sixties, we’re spoiled for choice. The original Cortina or Escort in GT guise would have done, though as Ford’s period ad pointed out, ‘New Cortina is more Cortina’. It might have only been 21/2 inches ‘more’, but Ford’s new-for-1966 follow-up boosted its social aspirations as well as its dimensions.
This Mk1 Cortina may appear to be period correct when you first see it, but look a little closer — the discreet modern touches take it to another level.
Ford heritage: Keith Halstead’s 1965 Lotus Cortina was the first of only eight Mk1s ever put into service with West Sussex Police — six decades later it’s better than ever.