Search by the «porsche 911 targa florio 964» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Porsche 911 964 → Rare 1993 Porsche 911 Targa Florio 964 A Targa that finally lives up to its illustrious name? We get behind the wheel of the latest build from PIE Performance. It’s a semi-open-top 964 with a dash of Florio, as we’re about to find out... 1993 porsche 911 targa florio 9641993porsche 911 targa florio 964porsche 911 targa florioporsche 911 targa 964porsche 911 targaporsche 911 964porscheporsche 911 — 01.01.2023 2029 Steve Hall 0