LaFerrari successor to join 15-strong new model blitz

LaFerrari successor to join 15-strong new model blitz

Ferrari has revealed that it will launch no fewer than 15 new cars between 2023 and 2026, one of which will be a successor to the LaFerrari. No details have been released but it is thought that the new supercar will use a V8 hybrid powertrain. The precise timing of the launch is not known but Ferrari’s Chief Commercial Officer, Enrico Galliera said, “we're happy to confirm it will arrive soon" – possibly by the end of 2022.

The importance of the new Purosangue SUV – due in September – has also been highlighted, with the average proportion of the model in Ferrari’s production “below 20% over its lifecycle”. Icona and Supercar models will represent less than 5% of the total, Special series 10%, with the remaining 65% accounted for by regular ‘Range’ models. The first full-electric Ferrari will be unveiled in 2025. By 2026, Ferrari’s range will be 40% ICE and 60% hybrid/full-electric. By 2030, the mix will be 20% ICE, 40% hybrid and 40% full-electric. Ferrari has confirmed that ICE remains “an essential part of the company’s heritage” and will continue in production.

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