Search by the «ford capri mk1» tag Articles Blog posts Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Scuderia Red painted 1973 Ford Capri Mk1 3.1-litre GXL with RS style quarter bumpers ‘The Car You Always Promised Yourself’ read the infamous advertising slogan for the Mk1 Capri. As a teenager, Rav Dhuna added a 3-litre GXL to his bucket list, and to say he’s come good on his promise could be the understatement of the year. 1973 ford capri mk1 3.1-litre gxl1973ford capri mk1 3.1-litre gxlford capri mk1ford capriford — 11.06.2023 1283 Graham Leigh 0 300bhp 1972 Ford Capri Mk1 1600GT, RS3100 front end, seam welded shell If you’re going to build your dream race Capri, what better than to draw on the original RS3100 Touring Cars for inspiration? 1972 ford capri mk1 1600gt rs3100fordford capriford capri mk1 — 18.06.2022 2268 Jon Cass 0