Search by the «innocenti» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply 1970 Innocenti Mini Cooper Mk3 When Chris Hand spotted a 1970 Innocenti Mini Cooper Mk3 for sale in Italy, for €7,500, he decided to take a trailer to Tuscany, buy it and bring it home to restore. 1970 innocenti mini cooper mk31970innocenti mini cooper mk3innocentiinnocenti minimini cooper mk3mini coopermini — 24.05.2022 2574 Rob Hawkins 0 Restored: 1979 Innocenti Mini British buyers couldn’t buy a hatchback Mini, but those in Europe could – albeit not the Mini that we were used to. 1979 innocenti mini1979innocenti miniinnocenti — 13.03.2022 1259 Richard Heseltine 0 1975 Innocenti Regent 1300 Did the Innocenti regent sing a sweeter tune than the allegro? We visit the car’s ancestral home to find out. 1975 innocenti regent 13001975innocenti regent 1300innocenti regentinnocentiaustin allegroaustinbritish leyland — 01.01.2022 2794 Gavin Braithwaite-Smith 1