Search by the «lexus ls400 xf10» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Road test 1989 Lexus LS400 XF10 The first LS400 XF 10 to be sold out of Japan or America is still a marvel and still going strong today. 1989 lexus ls400 xf101989lexus ls400 xf10lexuslexus ls400lexus ls — 22.11.2022 1610 Votren De Este 0 1989 Lexus LS400 XF10 No budget, no time constraints, no prisoners: the 1989 Lexus LS400 XF10 was Japan’s shock to the world that changed the luxo sedan segment forever. 1989 lexus ls400 xf101989lexus ls400 xf10lexuslexus ls400lexus ls — 28.03.2022 3210 Zack Stiling 0