Sport 0 Latest Reviews Translations Editor's choice Top articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Porsche’s 1956 550A Le Mans Coupes Porsche’s first space framed Spyder, the 550A, competed at Le Mans in coupe form to win its class, marking the only time the model raced as a hard-top. One such car has survived an interim American body to be reborn through a sparkling restoration… 1956 porsche 550a le mans coupe1956porsche 550a le mans coupeporscheporsche 550aporsche 550 — 31.05.2022 2230 Shane O’ Donoghue 0 Porsche Moment ADAC 1000 Kilometer Race on 29 May, 1977 DrivesToday recounts the story behind a famous picture from Porsche’s past… porsche1977adac 1000 kilometer race — 29.03.2022 796 Votren De Este 0