Search by the «1947» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply 1947 Daimler DE27 Hooper State Limousine The Queen’s Daimler. Driving Her Majesty's first ever state car. This Daimler limousine was HM Queen Elizabeth Il’s first State car — back when she was still a princess. Glen Waddington tells a royal tale. 1947 daimler de27 hooper state limousine1947daimler de27 hooper state limousinedaimler de27daimler — 01.04.2023 1342 Glen Waddington 0 1947 MG TC When Geoff Browne’s father bought himself a well-used sports car, in 1956, it was the start of a family relationship that lasted over six decades. 1947 mg tc1947mg tcmg — 22.05.2022 1014 Craig Cheetham 0