Search by the «1983 volkswagen golf mk1» tag Articles Blog posts Images Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Volkswagen Golf Mk1 → VR6-Swapped more-door 1983 Volkswagen Golf Mk1 Could this be the ultimate 190bhp Mk1 sleeper? When the chance arose to feature Retro Barn Motor Co’s five-door, six-cylinder, 1983, 190bhp Mk1 Golf, we didn’t need to be asked twice… volkswagenvolkswagen golf1983 volkswagen golf mk11983volkswagen golf mk11983 volkswagen golf vr6 2.8 mk1 — 20.09.2021 2749 Graham Leigh 0 246bhp 1.8 Turbo engined 1983 Volkswagen Golf Mk1 A mild-mannered shopper-spec hatchback, reimagined as a raucous retro hill-climber. Welcome to the frantic reality of Lee Walmsley’s Berg Cup Golf tribute… volkswagen golf mk1 1.8t1983 volkswagen golf mk11983 volkswagen golf mk1 1.8tvolkswagen golfvolkswagen — 14.08.2021 4586 Dan Bevis 3