Search by the «jaguar xj-s v12 coupe» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Jaguar XJ-S → 1981 Jaguar XJ-S V12 Coupe P-Digital Manual Although Jaguar had stopped offering the XJ-S with a manual gearbox in 1978, two were produced in the early Eighties which also had the Lucas P-Digital injection. We’ve tracked down what’s thought to be the sole survivor. 1981 jaguar xj-s v12 coupe p-digital manual1981jaguar xj-s v12 coupe p-digital manualjaguarjaguar xjsjaguar xj-sjaguar xj-s v12 coupelucas p-digital injectionlucas — 04.10.2022 3070 Paul Walton 0