Search by the «porsche 911 e» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Porsche 911 Classic → Restored championship-winning Porsche 911 E If this spectacular orange 911 E looks familiar, chances are you saw it securing Historic Sports Car Club championship title wins a decade ago... porsche 911 eporsche 911porsche1969 — 21.11.2023 457 Johnny Tipler 0 Porsche 911 Classic → First long-wheelbase Porsche 911 E Prototype rides again Not only is this the earliest long-wheelbase 911, it also boasts a huge number of factory firsts on account of it being kept by Porsche as a testbed for a wealth of prototype parts... porsche 911 e prototypeporsche 911 eporsche 911porsche — 20.11.2023 530 Dan Furr 0