Search by the «rolls-royce wraith» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply 1939 Rolls-Royce Wraith Limousine by H.J. Mulliner This refined carriage was created for a customer with limited mobility, and so wears unique H.J. Mulliner coachwork – which was at risk of being scrapped for a more sporting body until the present owner stepped in. 1939 rolls-royce wraith limousine by h.j. mulliner1939rolls-royce wraith limousine by h.j. mullinerrolls-roycerolls-royce wraith — 09.08.2022 3529 Nigel Boothman 1 1938 Rolls-Royce Wraith When your profession trains you to the most thorough approach, a matter of mere distance won’t stop the search for the right car. 1938 rolls-royce wraith1938rolls-royce wraithrolls-royce — 05.06.2022 1550 Richard Holdsworth 0