Search by the «rover p6b 3500 v8» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply 1970 Rover P6B 3500S prototype As ‘1970 Manual Prototype Number One’, this car spent five years and hundreds of thousands of miles being developed by its maker. Today we drive it and ask: is this the zenith of the Rover P5B 3500S? 1970 rover p6b 3500s1970rover p6b 3500srover p6rover p6brover p6b 3500 v8rover — 23.12.2022 3873 Ivan Ostroff 2 1970 Rover P6B 3500 V8 Rover deserved a far better fate than politics permitted. In the P6B, it could have had a world- beater. Simon Charlesworth makes its case. 1970 rover p6b 3500 v81970rover p6b 3500 v8roverrover p6rover p6brover 3500 — 25.11.2021 5578 Simon Charlesworth 0