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Now we’re torquing! VarioRam variable induction explained.
Porsche’s patented VarioRam system is an ingenious way to alter geometry of the induction manifold according to engine needs under different operating conditions. Here’s how it works… Words Shane O’Donoghue Photography Adrian Brannan NOW WE’RE TORQUINGVarioRam is the name Porsche gave to its advanced variable intake system when the technology was first released in 1994.
Torque Show Porsche VarioRam
Porsche’s patented VarioRam system is an ingenious way to alter geometry of the induction manifold according to engine needs under different operating conditions. Here’s how it works… Words Shane O’Donoghue Photography Porsche. TORQUE SHOW VarioRam is the name Porsche gave to its advanced variable intake system when the technology was first released in 1994.
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