Paul Sutters’ Porsche 911 2.7 RS Replica
Paul Sutters’ Porsche 911 2.7 RS rep wears its competition history as a badge of honour and Paul intends to return it to its championship winning livery of the ’80s and go racing. Words and photography: Brett Fraser PAUL SUTTERS YOU AND YOURS HISTORY BOY Hands up who hasn’t wondered about the previous life of the secondhand car they’ve just bought. Particularly when that secondhand car was a Porsche.
Buying Guide How to buy a Volkswagen Karmann-Ghia Type 14 while they’re still good value
Buy a Type 14 well and you’ll reap the rewards. Here’s how to spot a good one. Words CHRIS RANDALL Eight steps to buying a VW Karmann-GhiaAs we said back in the summer, classic Volkswagens are hot property. And unusually for something so stylish and with such a vast support network around it, we reckon the Type 14 Karmann-Ghia has yet to truly reach its market potential. But buying one can be a confusing process.
Buying Guide Volvo 1800-series
Buy wisely and a classic bargain with cult-TV cool could be yours for as little as £10k. Words CHRIS RANDALL Photography MATT HOWELL Get style, dodge the risks - Buy yourself Volvo’s classy and usable 1800 from as little as £10k Buying Guide Get yourself into an iconic Volvo 1800-series for as little as £10,000 Icons don’t come much more usable than Volvo’s 1800-series.
Buying Guide Ford Focus Mk1
Sharp looks and excellent dynamics combined to make the original Ford Focus the family car of choice for enthusiasts. It still impresses today, as long as you bag a good ‘un… A NEW EDGE Words: Chris Randall Photography: Jeff Ruggles BUYING GUIDE: FORD FOCUS MK1 All you need to know when shopping for the critically acclaimed first-generation model Eminently usable, fantastic to drive and cheap to buy, the first-generation Ford Focus is fast becoming a fine modern classic choice.
Buyers Guide Volkswagen Golf GTI & VR6 Mk3
These Golfs might not have captured the hearts of enthusiasts but good ones can still entertain. Here’s how to buy the best of them. BUYING GUIDE: Mk3 GOLF GTI & VR6Still something of an undervalued gem in the GTI story, the Mk3 can be an easy modern classic to own. THIRD ACT Enthusiasts might debate about whether it was the first ‘hot hatchback’ but few would argue that the Golf GTI defined the genre.
Buyer’s Guide Porsche 911 Carrera 4S 996
The 996 has its detractors, but the C4S is an affordable route into wide-body ownership. It's time for a more in-depth look… Written by Chris Randall. Photography by Neil Godwin. Background to the 996 C4S Turbo look’ is a familiar part of the Neunelfer enthusiast’s parlance, but you have to head back to 1984 for its first appearance. Back then, it meant the M491 option for the 3.
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