Search by the «aston martin db7 coupe» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply 1997 Aston Martin DB7 3.2 Auto vs 1997 BMW 840Ci Auto 4.4 E31 Which do we prefer out of this still popular pair of Nineties coupes – the traditional Aston Martin DB7 or the more modern BMW 840Ci E31? There’s only one way for us to find out… 1997 aston martin db7 3.2 auto1997 bmw 840ci auto 4.4 e311997aston martin db7 3.2 autobmw 840ci auto 4.4 e31bmwbmw e31aston martinaston martin db7aston martin db7 coupebmw 840ci auto e31 — 08.01.2023 2669 Paul Walton 1