Search by the «jaguar x100» tag Articles Blog posts Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Jaguar XJ-S → 1995 Jaguar XJS 4.0 vs. 2000 Jaguar XK8 X100 The XK8 which replaced the XJS in 1996 was a very different beast indeed. We compare a 4-litre example of each to discover which we prefer today. jaguarjaguar xjs 4.0jaguar xk8 x100jaguar xj-sjaguar xjs2000 jaguar xk8 x1002000jaguar xk8jaguar x100 — 20.02.2023 3287 Paul Walton 1 1997 BMW 840Ci Auto 4.4 E31 vs. 1999 Jaguar XK8 Coupe 4.0 X100 Which of these two V8-engined coupes from the Nineties do we prefer; the traditional Jaguar XK8 X100 4.0 or the more contemporary BMW 840Ci E31? jaguar xk8 coupejaguar xk8 coupe x1001999 jaguar xk8 coupe 4.0 x1001999jaguar xk8 coupe 4.0 x100bmwjaguarbmw e31jaguar xk8jaguar xk8 4.0 coupe x100jaguar x1001997 bmw 840ci auto 4.4 e311997bmw 840ci auto 4.4 e31bmw 840ci auto e31bmw 840ci e31bmw 840ci — 15.12.2022 1088 Mike Renaut 0 2005 Jaguar XKR 4.2-S X100 vs 2014 XK Dynamic R 5.0 X150 Two limited-edition models saw out production of the X100 and X150 generations of XK – a 2005 4.2-S and a 2014 Dynamic R. With extended equipment lists and improved driving capabilities, they are the best models of each to buy jaguar xk x150jaguar xk x100jaguar xk8 x1002005 jaguar xkr 4.2-s x1002005jaguar xkr 4.2-s x100jaguarjaguar xkr x100jaguar xkrjaguar x1002014 jaguar xk dynamic r 5.0 x150jaguar xk dynamic r 5.0 x150jaguar x150 — 28.12.2021 3749 Paul Wager 0