Search by the «plymouth gtx» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply 1969 Plymouth GTX Gary Simpson’s 1969 Plymouth GTX isn’t just a lairy Mopar muscle car – it’s also family transportation and after a succession of slightly less family-friendly Mopars, this one seems to offer the best of both worlds… 1969 plymouth gtx1969plymouth gtxplymouthchryslerplymouth road runner — 16.12.2023 908 Richard Heseltine 0 1971 Plymouth GTX Visually impressive, angular, carved out of a single piece of iron, long and large: The Plymouth GTX remains a presence that turns heads to this day. 1971 plymouth gtx1971plymouth gtxplymouthchrysler — 07.07.2023 825 Dan Bevis 0