Search by the «porsche 911 carrera 4s 3.6 coupe» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Porsche 911 G-Series and 930 → History of Porsche 911 wide bodies Liked the looks of the Turbo but could live without the performance? Porsche had an answer with the Turbo-look, wide-bodied 911 Carrera. 1995porsche 911 carrera 4s 3.6 coupeporsche 911porscheporsche 9301986 porsche 911 carrera 3.2 cabriolet turbolook1986porsche 911 carrera 3.2 cabriolet turbolookporsche 911 carrera1995 porsche 911 carrera 4s 3.6 coupe — 19.06.2023 1465 Kieron Fennelly 0