Search by the «range rover p38a» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply 1994 Jaguar Sovereign 3.2 X300 vs. 1994 Range Rover 4.6 HSE P38A The Range Rover P38a was targeted not only at other off road vehicles, but at the world of the luxury saloon. The Jaguar XJ was Britain’s poshest plutocrat carrier – how does the Range Rover compare? 1994 jaguar sovereign 3.2 x3001994 range rover 4.6 hse p38a1994jaguar sovereign 3.2 x300range rover 4.6 hse p38aland roverrange roverrange rover p38ajaguar xj6 x300jaguarjaguar xj6jaguar xjjaguar xj x300 — 22.02.2022 1630 Sam Skelton 0