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Tech guide Porsche 944
The 944 was the best-selling Porsche of all time prior to the arrival of the Boxster 986 and Cayenne SUV, meaning there are plenty of examples out there to choose from... Words Dan Furr, Richard Gooding, Martin Morgan Jones Photography Adrian Brannan What to look for when on the hunt Launched in 1969, the 914 proved Porsche didn’t need to survive on a diet of rear-engined metal alone. By 1975, however, the two-seater’s time was up. That same year, the similarly radical 924 was launched.
Buyers Guide Porsche 944 Turbo
Is it true? Can you really buy a turbocharged Porsche for less than the cost of a Nissan Juke? In this guide, we arm you with information you'll find useful when on the lookout for a 944 Turbo... Words Dan Furr, Shane O'Donoghue. Photography Dan Sherwood. BUYING GUIDE: 944 TURBOBag yourself a turbocharged transaxle. The world of sports cars from Porsche's transaxle family of products is a curious one, populated by vehicles ranging from complete basket cases to concours condition award winners.
Design and evolution of the Porsche M44 engine
Though more purebred Porsche than its predecessor, the 944’s normally aspirated inline-four owes much to the existence of the 924… Words Shane O’Donoghue. Photography Porsche. As the prices of all classic Porsches inexorably rise, models previously snubbed by self-appointed connoisseurs are coming of age. As a case in point, the 924 has historically been regarded as the runt of the litter, despite its considerable commercial success.
Buyers Guide Porsche 944
Shonky build quality was par for the course in the eighties, but it wasn’t something that Porsche 944 owners had to put up with. They also got to savour effortless performance, excellent practicality and a brilliant driving experience, and four decades after the 944 arrived in the UK, you can still enjoy all of these things. While the 924 did Porsche’s image no favours, the much more masculine 944 was just the ticket.
Buyers Guide Porsche 944
Soon to be celebrating its fortieth anniversary, the 944 has finally come of age. Here's what you need to be aware of before buying this modern classic... Words Dan Furr. Photography Dan Sherwood. BUYING GUIDE: 944 944 (1982-1991) What to be aware of before a test drive.
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