Jon Cass

Jon Cass · Articles

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1976 Ford Capri 2.1 S Mk2 Bryan Piaskowski’s Replica

Restoring his dad’s Mk2 Capri in the garage at home, Bryan Piaskowski’s S replica is a period-perfect homage to altogether cooler times.

1973 Dodge Monaco

Jim Wilding has owned a mouthwatering selection of American cars over the decades, but his latest acquisition, this elegant ’73 Dodge Monaco turned out to be one of the rarest of the lot. We went along to Ace American Autos to take a closer look…

1977 Ford Granada 3.0-litre GL Automatic Estate Mk1

Ford Heritage: With his previous Mk1 Granada purchase proving to be a no-go, Trevor Hardy wasn’t taking any chances with this rare Estate, and luckily it’s proved to be even better than he hoped.

2015 Devaux Spyder

Devaux Spyder is a thing of oldtime style and beauty, a modern machine cloaked in the mystique of the 1930s and Monte Carlo summers a long way from the 21st century and Melbourne’s tram-tracked streets.

1941 Cadillac Convertible Coupe De Luxe

Peter Cornwell could have created his own impressive vintage car show with all the cars he had in his wedding fleet, but after retiring from the business and disposing of most of his fleet, one special pre-war Yank has stolen his heart…

280bhp 2.0 ST170 engined 1989 Ford Orion 1600i Ghia Turbo

Will anyone save the increasingly obscure Orion? Don’t worry, Michael Deary’s on the case, and he’s brought a load of boost with him…

825bhp tuned 1986 Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

A Fast Ford icon just got better. We revisit the four-wheel drive three-door Cosworth, ELE, now boasting over 800bhp, WRC-inspired suspension and a 200mph ambition…

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