Search by the «1982 porsche 911 sc» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Porsche 911 G-Series and 930 → Is the Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 the best G-series 911? The sweet spot of the classic, air-cooled 911 generation? The ultimate G-series 911? There is a strong argument for the Carrera 3.2 being both... porsche 911 carrera 3.2porsche 911 carreraporsche 911 g-seriesporsche1982 porsche 911 scporsche 911porsche 911 sc — 24.04.2023 2511 Steve Hall 0 Mike Brewer’s personalised 1982 Porsche 911 SC Taking pride of place in Mike Brewer’s personal collection of cars, this modified 1982 911 SC benefits from bespoke bodywork and a Rasant Products tuning package… 1982 porsche 911 sc1982porsche 911 scporsche 911porsche — 08.11.2021 3526 Dan Furr 0