Search by the «aston martin db5 v8» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply 1966 Aston Martin DB5 V8 To aid development of the Tadek Marek-designed V8, Aston Martin produced a one-off DB5/DB6 hybrid in early 1966 that was powered by the new unit. Despite being a well-used prototype, the car survived and we’ve driven it. 1966 aston martin db5 v81966aston martin db5 v8aston martinaston martin db5 — 09.07.2023 563 Votren De Este 0 1966 Aston Martin DB5 V8 This unique DB5 was created by Aston Martin’s Experimental department as a test-bed for its new V8 engine. Peter Tomalin takes the wheel. 1966 aston martin db5 v81966aston martin db5 v8aston martin db5aston martin — 30.12.2022 2334 Patrick McGrath 0