Search by the «porsche 944s» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Jaguar XJ-S → 1987 Porsche 944S vs. 1988 Jaguar XJ-S 3.6 We revisit the 1980s comparison between Porsche 944 and Jaguar XJ-S to find out how these unlikely rivals compare today. 1987 porsche 944s1988 jaguar xj-s 3.6jaguarporsche1988jaguar xj-s 3.6jaguar xj-sjaguar xjs1987porsche 944sporsche 944 — 11.08.2022 1730 Paul Walton 1 1986 Porsche 944S Every bit the ‘proper’ Porsche, does the 944 stack up as an affordable alternative to the ever more costly 911? We try the 16-valve 944S to find out. 1986 porsche 944s1986porsche 944sporscheporsche 944 — 04.07.2022 1997 Paul Wager 0