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Sportomatic gearbox - Porsche’s first automatic gearbox is more than half a century old… here’s how it works
Introduced to the world in 1967 by Porsche, the Sportomatic was the company’s answer to reinvigorating the 911 range for a push in the USA, where automatics were gaining huge popularity. At its heart is an all-synchro, four-speed 901 manual, but with a torque convertor and single dry-plate clutch. Technology explained  - SPORTOMATIC GEARBOXThat clutch is controlled by a microswitch on the gear lever. Move the gear lever and the microswitch activates a vacuum servo motor.
Buying Guide 1967-1972 Aston Martin DBS
Discover what to look for and the costs involved in buying, owning and running a six-cylinder or V8-powered DBS. WORDS ROB HAWKINS IMAGES AMD ARCHIVE What to look for when buying one of the great-value classic Aston Martins, the DBS from 1967 to 1972 1967-1972 Aston Martin DBS BUYING GUIDE Manufactured between 1967 and 1972, the first generation of the DBS paved the way for a new style of Aston Martin that became a success well into the Eighties.
1967 Triumph GT6
Chromium is a chemical element occurring naturally in many forms, but in hexavalent form it’s toxic and carcinogenic. And it covers significant parts of an old car, including bumpers, doorhandles and windscreen surrounds. Funny thing though, as Nigel Hayward, production manager at S&T Electroplating, points out: ‘We don’t use a lot. In fact, the chromium is really just a thin lacquer to seal in the nickel-plate underneath.
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